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The best tips against facial redness

PerfectHair.ch Redaktion31.08.2023

In cold weather or unpleasant situations, we usually blush very quickly. Often the redness disappears after a short time. However, if they remain permanently and the skin is also quickly tense and easily irritated, the problem should be addressed. Here we show you tips and tricks to rid your skin of the redness.

Causes of skin redness

The reasons for reddened skin on the face are complex. Our skin often reacts sensitively to external factors such as sunlight, extreme cold or wind. 

Even eating spicy foods can temporarily cause redness. People with skin conditions like rosacea often face permanent redness and visible veins. Even emotions like stress can cause redness and red spots.

Rethink your skincare routine

Often redness on the face is caused by harsh skincare products. Alcohol and other ingredients are not always well tolerated and the skin reacts with irritation. 

The best way to find out which product your skin reacts to is to omit all products and start only with a cleanser and a cream. Gradually, all products can be added back under close observation. This way you can quickly find the culprit. Here we have listed some more tips for you:

  1. Gentle cleansing as a basis: Start your daily skin care with a mild facial cleansing.
  2. Moisturizing is key: skin that is sufficiently hydrated is less prone to redness. Choose a face cream that not only moisturizes, but also strengthens the skin barrier.
  3. Do not neglect sun protection: Every day is a sun protection day! Apply a high-quality sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every day. Sun rays can intensify existing redness.
  4. Use soothing ingredients: When choosing your skin care products, look for ingredients like chamomile, aloe vera, or oat extract. These have soothing properties and can help reduce redness.

Adjust your diet

Redness can also be caused by a lack of moisture in the skin. Thus, it is very important to hydrate the body also by drinking enough fluids. Certain foods are packed with antioxidants and are better at retaining moisture. Incorporate the following foods into your meals to keep your body hydrated:

  • carrots
  • sweet potato
  • spinach
  • broccoli
  • apples
  • cellery
  • coconuts
  • cucumber
  • melon
  • papayas
  • apricots

Cleverly conceal redness

To get rid of red spots immediately, it is recommended to cover them with corrective products.

  1. Lay the foundation: Choose a non-comedogenic foundation that sits lightly on the skin. This can visually reduce redness and give you a more even complexion.
  2. The green concealer trick: A touch of green concealer on the reddened areas neutralizes the red color. Then you can apply your regular concealer to even out the color and achieve a natural look.
  3. Mineral powder for the finish: A light mineral powder provides a flawless finish and minimizes the appearance of redness. Be sure to choose a product that does not contain additional irritants.
  4. Distraction as a figurehead: Use makeup to draw focus to other areas of your face. Either accentuate your eyes with a striking eyeliner or use eye-catching lip colors to distract from the reddened areas.

Your skin, but more confident!

Redness on the face can be stubborn, but with the right skincare strategies and a little makeup know-how, you can successfully combat it. Always remember that true beauty comes from within. Don't just care for your skin externally, but also pay attention to your emotional state. With the combination of inner balance and outer care, you can feel good in your skin and appear confident.

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