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Aminexil - the miracle against hair loss?

PerfectHair.ch Redaktion01.04.2022

Are you suffering from hair loss and don't know what to do about it? The active ingredient Aminexil can help you. Find out everything about the active ingredient and the best products containing it.

Aminexil is said to be the best friend in the fight against hair loss. Whether for men or women, Aminexil application is useful for both. It is also useful for pregnancy-related hair loss problem. The effect of Aminexil against hair loss is proven. According to experts, it is one of the few remedies that shows a positive effect on hair loss and is not just sold for marketing purposes.

How does Aminexil work?

The hormone testosterone causes a hardening around the hair follicle and is thus the cause of hair loss as well as incipient baldness. Testosterone cannot be stopped because it is part of our body. With the help of Aminexil, the hardening around the hair follicle can be combated.

What does Aminexil do?

Aminexil promotes the anchoring of the hair fibre in the scalp. The problem is therefore tackled at the root of the hair. Aminexil is a patented active ingredient and combats the hardening of collagen (proven in in vitro tests), which accumulates around the hair follicle and impairs the secure fit of the hair root in the scalp. The anchoring of the hair fibre is improved and hair growth is thus significantly promoted. Congenital hair loss is significantly reduced.

Products with Aminexil

In the PerfectHair.ch online shop you will find various products that use Aminexil:

Spécifique - Intervention à l'Aminexil

Intervention à l'Aminexil is a 6-week treatment with three effective active ingredients that prolong the life of the hair. With the intensive treatment, you use one ampoule every day for 6 weeks. The treatment reduces hair loss, stimulates hair production and gives you back fuller, more beautiful hair.

Cerafill - Hair Advance Aminexil

Cerafill Maximize Hair Advance Aminexil strengthens the hair from the roots to the tips and thus delays hair loss. For optimal results, a treatment duration of 6 weeks is recommended.

Série Expert Aminexil - Advanced Anti Hair-Loss Activator Serum

The serum is specially formulated for weakened hair and hair that tends to fall out. It is enriched with 1.5% Aminexil, which can reduce non-disease related hair loss. The hair is strengthened and appears thicker with regular use.

LOréal Elseve Haircare - Full Resist Aminexil Serum

The anti-hair loss hair serum with Aminexil is suitable for brittle and weak hair. Elseve Full Resist Serum reduces hair loss and restores the hair's natural resistance.

With all products you need patience for visible results, but it will be worth it. In addition, follow the manufacturer's instructions for each product.

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